A new look at money, myths and the grit creating the ‘byte economy’ in Africa.

Money Myths Africa is a collection of strong opinions, stories and data that together paint a picture of digital innovation in informal economies from the Cape of Good Hope to Cairo, Lagos and across the heart of Africa to Mombasa on the Indian Ocean.

For Africa, Money is not enough. You need more of everything, especially everything.

We lack a lot of the infrastructure and systems that ordinarily power the growth of businesses and impact projects.

But Africa can’t wait for everything to be in place.

Read my small collection of think-pieces and data on the adventure capital, businesses and challenges shaping Africa’s digital economy.

Learn with me…

Every day, I am convinced that we don’t know Africa well enough. We know as the Scripture puts it, “in part”. Money Myths Africa is really a collection of what I’m learning about the African people, the builders, and the users.

I would love nothing less than to learn with you. Feel free to reach out to schedule a chat https://calendly.com/signorabraham/vcoffee


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Exploring abundant mythologies about markets, adventure capital, and digital technology in Africa. An Aperçu publication.


growth, marketing & startup enablement in Africa.